Do you have clients that are frustrated or stuck in their relationship because there’s a distance or a disconnect? They don’t know how to talk to each other without arguing or shutting down, and they’re having a difficult time.
I have a 10-week online educational program starting at the end of June exclusively for couples and individuals desiring to rapidly improve their important relationship(s). This course is NOT therapy, and it is not a replacement for therapy. It will equip participants with proven communication tools and strategies that will transform them into confident communicators. I would love your support with reaching just the right potential students. Please contact me if you have questions. And if you’d like to refer anyone that you feel could benefit from this program, please give them my contact info: [email protected] or (516) 624-6768 (landline phone) Thank you! Debra Roberts Irene Siegel, PhD, LCSW will be presenting a workshop at Queens College in Flushing, NY on Sunday May 5th 2019 from 11:00am-2:00pm. This Presentation focuses on the emergence of spiritual awakening with an exceptional peak experience as an eye movement desensitization and reprocessing [EMDR] therapist becomes a tool of consciousness, moving clients from trauma to their highest potential. A spontaneous integration of higher self or soul is utilized in positive resourcing, adaptive functioning, ego integration, with cognitive interweaves and emotional stabilization and by giving spiritual meaning to past, present, and future, true to the adaptive information processing (AIP) model. A discussion of literature and research will explain this evolutionary perspective as it converges with science and spirituality. A case presentation and experiential exercise will demonstrate brain integration and processing as links to skills of silent intuitive processes within interconnected field of energy and informational flow in EMDR therapy. If interested, contact [email protected].
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